This week, the Senate is holding votes on two nominations . Floor Action:¹ Monday: The Senate will vote at 5:30 pm to invoke cloture on the nomination of Under Secretary of Energy Mark Wesley Menezes to serve as Deputy Secretary of Energy. Tuesday: The Senate will vote to confirm Menezes, and then will resume consideration of a COVID-19 response and economic stimulus bill. Wednesday: The Senate will continue negotiations of a stimulus bill off of the floor. Thursday: The Senate will vote to invoke cloture on, and confirm, the nomination of Deputy Assistant Attorney General (Fraud and Appellate Sections) for the Criminal Division, John P. Cronan, to serve as a Judge of the Southern District of New York, in Manhattan. Cronan is opposed by Democrats for his authorship of a law review article criticizing affirmative action . If confirmed, he would fill a judicial emergency from 2018. On Monday, the Finance Committee will hold an executive session to vote on...